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Before you begin

One Time Use
If you would just like to take the survey and receive results without the ability to come back later to see your score, proceed below.

Track My Scores
If you want to be able to retrieve your score(s) and/or compare your results to specific demographics, click here to create an account and then sign in before taking the survey.

Assigned to Take
If you were assigned to take this survey and provided a group code, click here to create an account, then sign in, and enter the code when prompted at the top of the screen before taking the survey.

If you need more detailed instructions, please visit our help page

Take the survey!

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Please profide the following demographic information:

 American Indian or Alaska Native
 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander